The coalition parties, the Social Democratic Alliance and the Left-Green Movement have a majority in parliament with 34 MPs out of 63 and could remain in government. Of the 63 elected to Althingi 26 are women,

re-election did not get through. Both of the parties in the governing coalition managed to improve their position and the Independence Party lost a big part of their votes since 2007. Twenty seven new people will be entering the Icelandic Parliament, Althingi following yesterday’s elections.
The Elections results
Election letter B - Framsóknarflokkurinn (Progressive Party), 27.699 votes or 14.8% and 9 seats (an increase of two)
Election letter D - Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (Independence Party). 44.369 votes or 23.7% and 16 seats (lost nine MPs)
Election letter F - Frjálslyndi flokkurinn (Liberal Party), 4148 votes or 2.2% and no seats (lost four)
Election letter O - Borgarahreyfingin (Civic Movement), 13.519 votes or 7.2% and 4 seats (brand new party elected for the first time)
Election letter P - Lýðræðishreyfingin (Democracy Movement), 1107 votes or 0.6% and no seats (brand new party running for the first time)
Election letter S - Samfylkingin (Social Democratic Alliance), 55758 votes or 29.8% and 20 seats (two more MPs than last time)
Election letter V - Vinstri Grænir (Left Green Movement), 40.580 votes or 21.7% and 14 seats (gains five more parliamentarians)
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