The press in IcelandThe press in Iceland is a strange press.

It does matter what newspaper you read.
One is to the right ,other leaning to the left, and of course we have the yellow press also.
Reporters say the same story , but it matters how it is reported,that is , on what newspaper you are writing for.
One newspaper in Iceland ,
DV, says today that one reporter at
MBL.IS, a lady that has claimed that she has never accepted anything from the big CEO´s who took part in the banking crisis 2008, accepted a free airline ticket from FL-Group in 2005.
Last month she said ,that she had never accepted any free tickets .
The lady ,Agnes Bragadottir,has been writing and attacking ,many politicians , and claiming that the blame of the banking crisis ,can be put on many politicians , but not members of the Independent party.

David Oddson,former CEO of the Icelandic central bank is now the editor of MBl.IS .
He is also former prime minister,and former chairman of the Independence party.
Minister in Iceland Alfheidur Ingadottir , Health Minister in the Icelandic govermnet,hired today a person to be in charge of the Committee,about building the new Hospital in Reykjavik.
The person she hired will be the chairmen of that Committee.
The Health Minister,hired her best friend and wife of Svavar Gestson, the man who was chairman of the Committee,that made the Icesave deal with the UK and the Dutch,tha was accepted by parliement on the 31st of december 2009.
The Health Minister and Svavar Gestsson ,are both member of the Left-Green Movement.
So the situation in Iceland is : Normal ?

Top - Agnes Bragadottir
middle- health Minister
bottom- Svavar Gestsson