
Thursday, October 18, 2012

National referendum in Iceland on october 20th 2012

Next saturday ( october 20.) there will be a national referendum in Iceland .
There will be six questions , and the most important is - Do you want a new constitution or do you want to keep the old one.
After the banking crash in 2008 ,people lost all respect for the bankers and politicians.
Most of the Bankers,businessmen,and politicians ,that are responsibility for the crash,are still having a nice day ,and enjoying their ill gotten money.
Most of the politicians that where in parliament before and during the crash,are seeking reelection in the election next year.
Right politicians do not like the new constitution ,and many on the left side do not like it either.
Probably because ,that the new constitution gives the people more power, and more responsibility on the politicians.

This referendum is important for Iceland and the people of Iceland -

Here below you can see some of my videos of how the situation was in 2008 - after the crash

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