
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Though negotiations between Workers and Buinsess owners in Iceland

Now the Workers unions and the SA-Confederation of Icelandic Employers ( SA ) are now negotiations of collective agreements with unions on wages and working conditions.
But trouble is in the negotiations ,because the SA is also asking for that the The Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners,get answers about the fishing quota.
About 20 years ago ,Fishing vessel owners, go fishing quota on their ships.
The did not pay for or rent it.
And a few years later, they had the right to sell it ,rent it to others boats and so on.
But accourding to the Iceland constitution , the fish in the sea, is owned by the people of Iceland .
Now they want the goverment to decide that they own the fishing right legally.
The goverment is not for that.
They have never payed for this rights,and have made a lot of meony out of fishing and not payed anyting for it.
The SA is now using this in negotations with the Unions , to force the goverment to make a decision.
The Unions are angry, saying that the SA is usig the Union in a mtter that does not belong on the negotiatins table.
So , there could be big strikes amongs the Unions members in the latter part of May .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beutiful Iceland video by mr. Frank Nagel - a different view of Iceland

It is great to see how foreign people see Iceland.
I , being an Icelander, may see my country with different eyes that foreign people.
My videos and photos are mostly of what is happening here , protest ,cruise liners at Reykjavik harbour and so on.
Here is a video i saw,made by a freelance video and cameraman from Germany.
His name is Mr. Frank Nagel,and he loves Iceland ( of course) and he made a film about his trip around the country.
Mr. Frank Nagel travelelled around Iceland with a public bus,and used the cheap way how to see Iceland.
He also has web pages , and i recomend that you visit his web sites.

ps. Góða Ferð - means - Bon voyage 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is the Iceland president abusing his powers in Iceland ?

Is the Icelandic president undermining the democracy in Iceland?
Two former Ministers in Denmark,Mr. Uffe Elleman-Jensen and Mogens Lykketoft,where on a news show in Denmarks TV 2.
The talked about how surprice they got ,after the Icelandic President,Mr. Olafur Ragnar Grímsson,had denied to sign on to law the Icesave agreement,and therefore sending it to a national referendum.
Even though the majority of the Icelandic parliement had agreed to Icesave agreement.
Mr. Lykketoft also said that he thought that the Icelands President was abusing his powers as president.

You can see the show here - and it is in Danish

Saturday, April 16, 2011

German Navy welcomes the citizens of Iceland on board - video and photos

Even though the mayor of Reykjavik,did not want to welcome the german Navy to Reykjavik, the citizens of Reykjavik did not agree.
The German Navy invited people to visit and go abourd the Navy ships in Reykjavik today,and many people came and enjoyed the German hospitality.

The German sailors are very friendly,and as you can see on one of the photos - the even posed for photos
But for the first time in German Navys history, the mayor of the city they are visiting,refuses to welcome them ,and and meet the Commander of these Navy Ships.
Every time that the German NAvy visits citys, the mayor of that city welcomed them.
But here in Reykjavik , mr. Jon Gnarr,Reykjaviks Mayor,says, no.
Mr. Jon Gnarr was voted last year, for the political party ,wich name is - The Best Party.

Also ,according to Iceland media, the Mayor also refused them to park their ships in the old harbour, in the city of Reykjavik.
So they parked their ships at another harbour,still in Reykjavik,but not in the harbour that is in downtown Reykjavik.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mayor of Reykjavik,Iceland,says NO to the German Navy - photos

Today,the German Navy is on a visit to Iceland.
Three Navy ships came to Reykjavik this morning.
These visits are looked upon as honourary and friendly visits.
The Iceland coast guard have access to the German Navy helicopter,while the Icelands coast guard helicopter is in for its regular inspection.
Mr. Jon Gnarr,the mayor of Reykjavik,says,that he is against militarys in all its forms.and wants Reykajvik to be a city of peace.
But for the first time in German Navys history, the mayor of the city they are visiting,refuses to welcome them ,and and meet the Commander of these Navy Ships.
Every time that the German NAvy visits citys, the mayor of that city welcomed them.
But here in Reykjavik , mr. Jon Gnarr,Reykjaviks Mayor,says, no.
Mr. Jon Gnarr was voted last year, for the political party ,wich name is - The Best Party.
Also ,according to Iceland media, the Mayor also refused them to park their ships in the old harbour, in the city of Reykjavik.
So they parked their ships at another harbour,still in Reykjavik,but not in the harbour that is in downtown Reykjavik.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

VOte of no confidence on the Iceland goverment at ICelands parliement this evening

Now at the Icelandic parliement - members are talking about , the Vote of no confidence in the goverment.
The Independence party leader, mr. Bjarni Benediktsson, has come up with a vote of no confidence at the Parliement  on the Icelandic Goverment.
Members of parliement are discussing it now at the parliement.
He also wants to vote the goverment out,and have parliement elections soon.
Parliement will vote at around 21:00 hours this evening.

Photo: mr. Bjarni Benediktsson

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Iceland votes NO on Icesave on april 9. 2011

The " NO " had the national referendum yesterday.
So Iceland is in more trouble than before.
UK and Holland will probably go for the courts, and there Iceland will probably loose,and have to pay much more money.
Danny Alexander, deputy finance minister in the UK, says that they are very dissapointed on the national referendum here in Iceland.
And also that now the courts have to decide on the outcome.
That can take many years.
In the meantime, inflation will go up ,and unemployment will increase.

Iceland National referendum on icesave ,first numbers are for the NO voters,photos

The first numbers in the national national referendum in Iceland - are mostly for the NO voters.
It is all about the Icesave account,should the Iceland goverment pay the debts that Landsbanki ,one of the banks that crashed in 2008,left in UK and Holland.
The time is now around 23:30 hours local here in Iceland.
And the first numbers from the vote ,look like that the NO voters will win big.

But numbers from Reykjavik have not been counted .
Here are photos of the polling station in Reykjavik,and my vote.
I personally voted - YES.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

National referendum in Iceland todayy ,on should iceland pay up Icesave .

Today is the national referendum ,where the public will vote on the Icesave savings account.
Landsbanki,the Icelandic bank,had a saving account in Europe - that offered 16% interests.
But when the banks crashed in the autumn of 2008, they could not pay up the billions that where in that account in the UK and Holland.
And now there is a national referendum on ,should Iceland pay up its depts ,or not.

Will the public say " yes " to icesave or " no".
Will the Icelandic people want to pay up their debts or not.
Every tv station and radio station are talking about this, and most from both sides.
The " NO" people buy advertisments in all the newspapers ,and tell people to vote " NO"
Not knowing how that will affect Iceland , they just ask people to vote " NO " .
If Iceland votes " NO " , then unemployment and inflation could increase .

Here you can see some of my videos from the protests that have been held in Iceland in 2009

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Former finance ministry manager in Iceland sentenced today to prison,for insider trading

Former manager of the Finance ministry,was today sentenced to 2 years in prison for insider trading.
Mr. Baldur Gunnlaugsson ,was the manager of the Finance ministry in 2008,and was in a committie that was investigating the banks,and therefore had access to insider information about the bank,that the public did not have.
Mr. Baldur sold his shares ( 192 million kronas) in Landsbanki in september 2008 ,just before the banking crash.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Iceland waiting for referendum next saturday - on icesave for UK and Holland

Now everybody is talking about Icesave ,and the national referendum next saturday.
Will the public say " yes " to icesave or " no".
Will the Icelandic people want to pay up their debts or not.
Every tv station and radio station are talking about this, and most from both sides.
The " NO" people buy advertisments in all the newspapers ,and tell people to vote " NO"
Not knowing how that will affect Iceland , they just ask people to vote " NO " .
If Iceland votes " NO " , then unemployment and inflation will increase .

But if Iceland votes " YES " - then things will get better,and Iceland will be accepted again in the international community.

Saturday is the day - but until then , i hope you like my video of the little volcano last year here in Iceland.
I flew over the first volcano , wich was tourist friendly.
But a few weeks later the big volcano erupted , that stopped the aviation industry for a few weeks.

Iceland waiting for referendum next saturday - on icesave for UK and Holland

Now everybody is talking about Icesave ,and the national referendum next saturday.
Will the public say " yes " to icesave or " no".
Will the Icelandic people want to pay up their debts or not.
Every tv station and radio station are talking about this, and most from both sides.
The " NO" people buy advertisments in all the newspapers ,and tell people to vote " NO"
Not knowing how that will affect Iceland , they just ask people to vote " NO " .
If Iceland votes " NO " , then unemployment and inflation will increase .

But if Iceland votes " YES " - then things will get better,and Iceland will be accepted again in the international community.

Saturday is the day - but until then , i hope you like my video of the little volcano last year here in Iceland.
I flew over the first volcano , wich was tourist friendly.
But a few weeks later the big volcano erupted , that stopped the aviation industry for a few weeks.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Iceland votes in a referendum on Icesave next saturday - april 9.

Next saturday,Iceland vill vote in a referendum on the Icesave settlement.
It is about agreement on paying back to the UK and Dutch goverment a few billion kronas.
As it is now ,opinion polls go ,to pay - 55% - and those that do not want to pay - 45%.

Landsbanki ,was the bank that was behind the Icesave account crashed in autumn 2008.
Now the fight is on, one radio station is against paying, and usess the radio station to broadcast their opinion.
Others advertise in radio and papers, for or against paying.
It looks like this is going to be one of the most importants votes in Icelands short history.

If the voters vote NO --- then Iceland will be on the downturn for many years.
But if they vote YES --- then things should be getting better here in Iceland .

Here are photos and video from the protest last october in front of the parliement building .
Click on the photos ,and the will get bigger.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Iceland horse festival in Reykjavik,Iceland today - photos

Today there is a festival celerating the Icelandic horse.
Around 200 horses where in downtpwn Reykjavik, and went up the main shopping street .
You can see here a few photos i took of the Horses,and if you click on them - they will get bigger.