
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great quantity of volcano material in Iceland - videos

According to Scientists in Iceland , material that has come out of the volcano,is  140 million cubic meters of volcano material.
That would mean,that material has come out of the volcano has been about  750 tons/per second,since the beginning of the eruption.
And of that , 100 million cubic/meters have gone airborne as ash .
Volcano activity has been less today ,and the ash clouds is at a lower altitude.


  1. Gordon Brown is declaring the volcano which no one could pronounce, as a terrorist volcano. He believes that the IceAsh Bank has blown up and is threatening the safety of British interests.

  2. On the other hand, Greeks believe the volcano is the personification of God of Mercy. Due to the ashes clouds and the flights stops, delegations from IMF and EU have postponed their visit to Athens on a later date.

