
Friday, April 9, 2010

Black Report in Iceland online in english april 12.

Black Report

The Black report, about waht happened and who is to blame for the banking crash in 2008, will be made public on april 12 .
The President of the Parliement ,will get the first copy at 10:00 and the report will be online on the internet at 10:20 .
Part of it will be in english ,and here is a link to that part.

Reporter prosecuted 

Pálmi Haraldsson has sued Svavar Halldórson,a reporter at the state TV and radi station.
He is prosecuting the reporter,for not making a difference between Him and Fons,his company.
Svavar reported that Pálmi got a 2.5 billion krona loan, but Pálmi says that his company ,Fons ,got the loan.
Pálmi sold Sterling ,from FL group at a high price,and made a lot of profit.

photo. Pálmi Haraldsson


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