
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Protest in Iceland december 5 2009 - video and photos

Protest was yesterday in Reykjavik.
People are still protesting what the Goverment is NOT doing for the public.
Taxes are vbeing raised,income tax,VAT, Gas tax and so on.

Many are loosing their houses and cars, due to bad debts.
People bought ,and the old banks told them that the foreign currency loans,would always be lower than the loans in Icelandic krona.
But now, when the Icelandic Krona has fallen, the loans skyrocket.

And the price of the house has also fallen down, but the loan goes up.
Many have moved to other countries, but many have to beg for food at varius charities in Iceland.
More than 4000 thousand had to be assisted to have food on their table last week.

They goverment is also saving money, and that means , less paternity leave, and less money for the elderly and disabled.
But , the do not save on their end, Parliement still pays political parties hundreds of millions, and members of parliemenet get still the same amount in dayli money , tax free for food and other essentials

Many are afraid that the protests could get violent , like last winter.
The public is angry.

1 comment:

  1. the situation really looks terrible but still people look calm
