
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Imagine Peace Light turned of tonight - photos

Today ( dec. 8 ) is the date when John Lennon died.
And that is the date,that the Imagine Peace Light is turned off.
It is on ,between the birthdate and death date of John Lennon.
Yoko Ono, put up the light on a island in Reykjavik Iceland.
And it is to promote peace.

Here are a few photos i have taken of the light.

Push on the photos ,and the will be bigger.

1 comment:

  1. Rosa flottar myndir hjá þér ! Manstu hvar þú varst þegar hann var skotinn ?
    Ég var í Þýskalandi. Keypti reyndar plötuna "Woman" í Svíþjóð stuttu seinna. Á hana ennþá !
