
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Serious Fraud Office investigating Kaupthing bank in Iceland

Since the top secret loans information from Kaupthing Bank leaked to,
the Serious Fraud Office ( SFO ) in Britain, is gathering inteliigence about the Icelandic banks.
SFO has been working harder on it ,after the leak at .

SFO has been searching for individuals,who where or are connected to the banks,to come out and give information.
SFO is doing this ,without contacting Icelands Special Prosecutor ,or anyone else in Iceland.
Due to the connection between investigating parties in Iceland ,and those that are thought to be responsable in Iceland , the Special Prosecutor is looked on ,like a joke here in Iceland.
He was appointed by the Justice Minister,who was in charge ,when the Banking Crisis hit ICeland ,last september.

Here you can see this story on the Telegraph in the UK

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