
Friday, March 6, 2009

Icelanders Offered Employment in Canada

Ásta R. Jóhannesdóttir, Iceland’s minister for social affairs and Nancy Allan, minister of labor immigration in Manitoba, Canada, signed a declaration of intent yesterday on facilitating opportunities for Icelandic citizens to work in Manitoba.

“No country in the world is closer connected to Manitoba than Iceland,” said Allan. The largest group of people of Icelandic descent (descendants of Icelanders who migrated to North America at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century) live in Manitoba.

“Temporary employment gives Icelandic workers the chance to do an important job and then perhaps increase their knowledge and return to Iceland if they want to,” Allan said, explaining that Manitoba primarily needs construction workers, people with a background in information technology and energy.

A meeting to present employment opportunities for Icelanders in Canada, especially Manitoba, will be held at the University of Iceland on March 13.

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