
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Riots in Iceland january 20 2009 - video

Today ,the 20th january 2009,the Icelandic parliement members came back to parliement building after christmass vacation.
At the building where lot of people protesting the economic crisis,and demandig the resignation of the goverment and the central bank CEO.
People went aroudn the parliement and into the garden ,and police tried to get them out of the garden.
People had pots and pans and everything to make as much noise as possible,to distrubt the work at the Parliement.
Then riot Police came and used pepperspray and arrested protesters.
People are still at the Parliemnt building ,7 hours later tonight .
Teenagers and one ,ten year old where arrested today.
Here are some more videos from today in Reykjavik - Iceland.

Comments are welcomed


  1. Interesting blog you have.. I linked to it here:

  2. i wish the people of the USA had this much energy and patriotism to save their country. Good luck to the people of Iceland.
