
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Newspaper editor says that news are controlled by owners in Iceland

Yesterday on the news program in the Icelandic state news,a former reporter of the newspaper DV ,brought a recording of a telephone conversation between him and the Editor of DV.
The reporter had made a report about one of the former Bank CEO ,mr.Sigurjón Þ. Árnason ,about his personal company ,would not be published ,because of threats from those that controll the paper- accordind to the Editor ,a mr. Reynir Traustason

Reynir Traustason - editor of DV

Another reporter resigned after that ,and he said ,that he could not work under such sircumstances,where you cant trust the editor.
This is just one of the problems with the Icelandic media.
Few weeks ago - it was comfirmed ,that three editors of the biggest media in Iceland,where at a secret meeting with the Prime Minister.
So the Icelandic public can NOT trust the press in Iceland.

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