
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Icelanders swimming in the cold North Atlantic Ocean video and photos

Today many people took part in swimming in the ocean in Reykjavik. 
It is to celebrate the art of swimming , and for people to swim more. 
Icelandic Coast Guard had two of its boats there to take part in the celebration.
They even had a swimming race , from the Coast Guard boat , to land . 
But they also just enjoyed swimming , and sang along as the swam in the cold sea. 
The outside temperature was at 6 on the celcius and the sea water temp, was 7 degrees on the celcius. 
After the swimming , the swimmers went to the hot water pool nearby ,to get some heat into their bodies, and to accept some medals for their part in this today . 
You can also see it on CNN Ireport

Friday, September 20, 2013

Aurora Borealis ( northern lights ) photos - in Iceland

Here you can more of my photos of the Aurora on march 17. 2013 over Reykjavik,in Iceland. They where awesome and i hope you like my photos .

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Protest in front of Russia Embassy in Iceland today video and photos

Today at 17:00 hours - there was a protest meeting in front of the Russia Embassy in Reykjavik. People where protesting how the Russian Goverment is treating Gays´s and people that are different in Russia.
 The protest was peaceful , and the lady holding a speach - says -# Mr. Putin, dont be afraid , we are many and we will be your friend if you support us , and dont be angry - "
 As the protest was on , a Embassy staff member came out to take photos of protesters as you can see on the photos