
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Symphony conducter has problems at a concert in Iceland

Tonight the Icelandic Symphony had a Star Wars concert - playing the music from the Star Wars movies. 
The Conducter mr. Lucas Richman Conducted the SYmphony quite well, and he has conducted many big Simphonys around the world . 
But tonight he had a little problem in the end of the Imperial March. 
Some Stormtroopers and mr Darth Vader entered the concert hall,and took him with force of the stage . 
The concert was at the new concert hall in Reykjavik,Iceland, and its name is - Harp .

Monday, November 19, 2012

Protest in Iceland in front of the USA Embassy - photos and video

Today at 17:00 hours ,there was a protest meeting in front of the USA Embassy in Reykjavik,Iceland . Palenstine-Iceland friendship was protesting the war between Israel and Palenstine. They accuse Israel of everything ,and say that only the President of the USA can stop this. The first man in the clip making a speach , is the interior Minister, a member of the Left Green Movement ,mr. Ogmundur Jonasson. Few hundred people attended the protest and it was peaceful . The second man making a speach is the chairman of the Iceland-Palenstine friendship group -mr. Sveinn Runar Hauksson.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lunar landscape in Iceland - photos and video

Before they walked on the Moon, the astronouts first came to Iceland to practice . They where looking for a place similar to the Moon landscape - and as you can see on my photos - the scenery is like being on the moon .


Iceland last summer 2012 - photos and video

Here are a few of my photos of the south part of Iceland last summer . Great landscape and beautiful weather .

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Aurora Borealis in Reykjavik this evening - northern lights - photos

I took these photos last year of the Imagine Peace Light and the Aurora Borealis in Reykjavik.

 These four photos i took this evening in Reykjavik .
Beautiful weather , calm winds but a little bit cold.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Photos from Iceland - november 2012

Here are a few photos i took last august and september .
They are all taken in the south part of Iceland .
The first photo is of a helicopter,lanidng on the mainland and in the background is the Westmann islands .