
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Icelands national court on former prime minister ,could be stopped by Parliament

Parliaments Prosecutor issued an indictment against Geir H. Haarde, former Prime Minister on Tuesday.
A list of prosecution witnesses is pretty interesting but the main Heavyweight people in government and officials of Bank system when the banks were on its side in 2008.
The national court will start proceidings on the 7th of june .
But now the Member of parliament and chairman of the independence party ,is trying to get parliament to stop the indictment against the Former Prime Minister.
Many think that during the courts procedings,that the more information will come up.
And many members of parliament , in all parties,do not want to open that .
The witness list includes,former minister,CEO´s of the central bank and more .
They could get questions ,that could open more bad information on the banking crash in 2008.

Here is a video i took of a citizen meetings,and they booed at the Prime minister,mr. Geir Haarde.

And here is a video from last october,when the Presidents wife joined protesters,as they where throwing eggs and fruits at members of parliament.

James Bond in Iceland ---- Icelandic Symphony playing Dr. No - music

I went to enjoy some local culture .
I enjoyed some classical music at the new concert and convention building - The Harp.
The Icelandic Symphony was being conducted by the British conductor,Mr. Carl Davis.

And i think you will enjoy the classical peace ---
The Harp is a beutiful building - and you can see that i am quite high on the balconys.
The symphony was playing music from the James Bond films.
and James Bond is based on Ian Flemmings friend , William Stephenson ----and William was of Icelandic origins .
If you google William Stephenson ,you can see how he is connected to Bond.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New years fireworks in Iceland - video and photos

No,this is not a video of a bad day in Texas ,this how Icelanders celebrate New Year .
Everybody buys fireworks ,and in a great Unorginized fashion,we go out just before midnight and fire up the fireworks.
Does not matter is you have had a few Beers or something stronger,does not matter.
First familys eat dinner together,then everybody in Iceland ,yes ,everybody,watches a tv show , that has been on between 22:30 to 23:30 ,where they make fun of what has happened this year.
And then after the tv show ---- we all go out , with our glasses and/or our bottles,fireworks , and start shooting up.