
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lots of snow in Reykjavik today - video and photos

The Winter made a grand entrance today ( dec. 29 ) and dumped lots of snow in Iceland , and expecially in the capital ,Reykjavik.
I was this morning helping and getting helped by fellow citicens,pushingcars out of snowbanks.
You can see on the video cars getting free from parking spots .

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Protest in Iceland , and short days ,video

Now is the season of short day here in Iceland .
It gets colder and the snow makes arrives.
Last saturday there was a small protest meeting in front of the Parliament building,and also some live music.
The weather was very cold,freezing at around minus 10 on the celcius,and windy.
Banks are still writing off big debts ,that big companys had,but the public must pay all.
The public gets little help from the banks and/or goverment.
Many have moved to other countries to get a better life.

Looks like it does not matter what political party you vote for ,the never keep their campaign promises.
It is very difficult to respect members of parliament here in Iceland .
Many members of parlament have got the bubble loans written off and dont have to pay anything,and at the same time ,many voters are loosing their houses.

Here you can see a video from the protest and also a video of how the sunset is in Iceland at around 15:00 hours

Saturday, December 3, 2011

CEO of Glitnir bank in Iceland in jail ,Lárus Welding

Three former CEO´s of Glitnir ,one of the banks that collapsed in 2008 ,are now in custody and being interogated by the Special Prosecutor .
About 30 individuals have also been interogated by the Specila Prosecutor office .
The investigation is because of alleged market manipulations by the CEO´s of Glitnir Bank.
Also to be interogated mr. Bjarni Ármannsson former CEO of Glitnir Bank.
Mr. Lárus Welding also former CEO of Glitnir Bank is now in custody .

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy Iceland in front of parliament in Reykjavik - photos and videos

Occupy Iceland is its tents in front of the Parliament building in Reykjavik.
There they stay ,and talk to people .
Many members of parliamen do not like having the Occupy Iceland in tents in front of the parliament building.
Few days ago there was a grassrott meeting in Reykjavik,and the President of Iceland and his Wife came to that meating and listened and talked to the people.
You can see on the videos when the President arrived ,and also a member of the Occupy hold a speach ,in English.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Reykjavik in Iceland - President listens to the people - video

On last wednesday  , ( november 9 )there was a grasroot meeting in Reykjavik.
There people where talking about uniting all the small groups that have been protesting and criticising the the Banking crash and the goverment .
People held speaches,and discussed the situation .
More meetings will be held about this matter.

A member of the Occupy Reykjavik movement held a speach,and he is from the US ,so the speach is of course in english.
You can see and hear his speach on one of the videos.

But to everyones surprice , the President of Iceland and his Wife came and listened to the people and talked to them also .
They where at the meeting for about two hours.
During the break in the meeting , the President and his wife enjoyed coffie and cakes,and talked to the people about what is happening in Iceland , and listened to their stories.
And as always ,as you can see when the enter the meeting,the did not need any sequrity.
It is good to see the President come and listen to the people in Iceland .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Iceland geyser and waterfall yesterday --- video and photos

I went today to check on our Geysir and gullfoss waterfall.
And according to it all , they are still going stron,and still attracting visitors.
The weather was beautiful,and the temperature around 9 on the celcius scale.
hope you enjoy the video and photos .   Click on the photos,and they will get bigger

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Iceland president and his wife , listen and talk to people in Iceland

Last night , ( november 9 )there was a grasroot meeting in Reykjavik.
There people where talking about uniting all the small groups that have been protesting and criticising the the Banking crash and the goverment .
People held speaches,and discussed the situation .
More meetings will be held about this matter.
But to everyones surprice , the President of Iceland and his Wife came and listened to the people and talked to them also .
They where at the meeting for about two hours.
During the break in the meeting , the President and his wife enjoyed coffie and cakes,and talked to the people about what is happening in Iceland , and listened to their stories.
And as always ,as you can see when the enter the meeting,the did not need any sequrity.
It is good to see the President come and listen to the people in Iceland .

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Northern lights - aurora borealis in Iceland ---- spectacular in the skies - photos

Just went out for a few minutes,and the weather calm ,clear skies,and very cold.
And this what we enjoy in Iceland during winter time .
Who needs a TV when you have this.
Click on the photos ,and they will be bigger .

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thor - new coast guard ship in Iceland --- guests welcomed aboard

Last thursday ( october 27th ) the new Coast Guard Ship,Thor arrived in Iceland after a long sailing from Chile.
Thor was built in Chile .
This is a big ship and with every high tech,that is a available today.
And the Icelandic Coast Guard invited the owners ( the Icelandic public ) to visit and see the ship up close , on friday ,saturday and sunday .
Then it will sail around Iceland , to visit and let everybody else in Iceland see this beutiful ship.
It is very important for sailors who sail around Iceland to have a excellent coast guard ship,and also for the people of Iceland.
That is to help ships that are having trouble ,and also people ,transporting rescue services,and so on.

All the vessels in the Coast guard are named after the Nordic Gods, -Odinn ,Tyr ,Aegir and so on.
And this one is named Thor , the third Coast Guard ship in history ,having that name.
Thor,the God of thunder,son of Odinn.

So this is a very proud day for Icelanders .
Click on the photos and they will enlarge

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Financial conference in Iceland next thursday ---- IMF --- video

Next thursday ( october 27 ) there will be a convention in Reykjavik,at the concert and conference hall,Harpa.
At that conference there will be International Economists,experts in Inernational finance and  the International Moneytary Fund ( IMF )and the Icelandic Goverment .
In front of Harpa at the same time,there will be people objecting ( protesting ) to the conference ,and with signs telling the international experts , what is really happening here in Iceland,regarding the public and their financial status.
The conference goes under the name - Iceland´s Recovery—Lessons and Challenges -

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Iceland - October 15th protest in Reykjavik,- video and photos

Two protests meetings where today in Reykjavik.
One was in front of the parliement building ,and the other in front of the Reykjavik county courthouse.
Then the meetings at the courthouse joined the meeting at the parliement building.
The protest was very peaceful ,and you can not see a police officer anywhere.
And the protests where peaceful,and many made speaches about what is happening and what should be done.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

15. october protest in Reykjavik,Iceland today .video

Today on the 15th of october at 15:00 hours , there will be a protest in downtown Reykjavik.
This will happening many countries today.
In Asia,Europe and the United States and asking for a Global Change.
They are protesting mostly for economic issues worldwide,
Here below you can see some of my videos from the protests here in Iceland since the banking crash in 2008.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Imagine peace light turned on by Yoko Ono in Iceland tonight - photos

The Imagine Peace Light was turned on this evening by Yoko Ono in Reykjavik.And the weather was calm and clear skies.
The aurora Borealis ( the norhtern lights ) made an appearance and made the sky look better .
It was beautiful to se the Imagien light and the northern lights together in the sky.