
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Protest in Greece ,and little news from Iceland


Now there are protests in Greece against the goverment becuase of the financila crisis there.
It is a similar financial crash like in Iceland since 2008.
Protesters there are probably using the same argument as in Iceland .
The corruption on the banking and political level has made the country go broke, and the public ,that took no part in the corruption,has to pay for those that where in the political and banking system.
Hope that nobody gets injured in the protests in Greece.
Hope that the protest will be peaceful.
Protesters and the Police must remember that they are part of Greece,and they are all having the same problem .
Here is a video i took at a peacful protest in Reykjavik
You can see more videos of the protests in Iceland on my youtube.

In Reykjavik now is a US Coast Guard Sailing Boat visiting Iceland.
It is a big Sailing vessel and its name is USCGC Eagle.
THe ship was formerly named SSS Horst Vessel and was owned by Germany before and during World War 2.
But after the war it given to the USA as war reperation.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Longest day in Iceland and dc-3 starting and flying over Reykjavik

Now is the longest day season in Iceland.
Sun sets down at around midnight ,and comes up early in the night ( around 3 in the night.
And the weather is great and good to be able to walk areound at night in daylight.
Here is a video i took at around 23:00 hours of a boat leaving Reykjavik and sailing into the sunset.
Now is also the summer vacation season,and in Iceland people get 4 to 5 weeks summer vacation .
The other video i took at the national independence in Iceland on the 17th of june.
And you can see a DC-3 starting up and flying over Reykjavik.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Norway army need military people - recruiting Icelanders to the army ?

A Icelandic member of the Norwegian army is now visiting schools in Iceland and encouraging them to join the Norwegian army.
Those that would join , would get an engineering education for free and also get paid for being in the army and being in the army is adventurous.
It is illeagal in Iceland to recruit Icelanders to a foreign army.

Cruise liner season in Iceland - Crown Princess leaving Reykjavik

Now is the season of big boats visiting Iceland.
And they are getting bigger and bigger.
Here are a few photos and a videoclip i took of the Crown Princess in Reykjavik this week.
It is leaving ,and needs the assistance of a smaller boat to turn around and sail into the sunset.
Sun is now around the clock in Iceland .
I took these photos and video at 23:00 hours.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Protest in Reykjavik,Iceland ,june 8. 2011 - video and photos

This evening ( june 8th ) was the last day of Parliement before summer vacation.
People gathered in front of the parliement building to protest the goverment for not helping the public ,as the goverment had promised.
Few hundred came and made noise in front of the parliement building.
The protest was very peaceful ,and protesters talked friendly with the police officers .

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Protest planned june 8th 2011 ,in Reykjavik ,Iceland

Today is the last day of Icelands Parliement before summer vacation.
And tonight at 19:30 ,there is a planned protest in front of the Parliement building.
Protesters will be protesting injustice by the goverment to its citicens.
Noise will be the main factor in this protests .

Here are two videos from the protests in 2009

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Volcano stopped erupting in Iceland and more news from Iceland

Grímsvötn volcano at Vatnajökull,has stopped.
It was a short and excellent volcano,but you could not see it very well.
For those that are travelling to ICeland here you can get information about Iceland and the after effects of the volcano

The wether here in Iceland is getting better all the time.
And the sun sets in the late evening.