
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Earthquakes near Reykjavik in Iceland today - photo and video

Today there have been many earthquakes near just south of Reykjavik.
The biggest one was at about 4.2 on the richter scale.
Geologists do not think that any volcano activity is following these earthquakes.
Last year we had two volcanos here in Iceland .
First a small one at Fimmvörðuháls and then a bigger one ,nearby, at Eyjafjallajökull.
Here you can see my video i took when i flew over the smaller volcano last year.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

President of Iceland puts Icesave to a national referendum in Iceland

The President of Iceland , mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, just now decided to put the new Icesave deal,that parliement had agreed on paying,to a national referendum.
Now parliement must decide what date the nationla referendum will take place.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yoko Ono birthday and aurora borealis - Northern Lights - video and photos

Last night the Imagine Peace Light was on, to celebrate Yoko Onos birthday.
And at the same time, aurora borealis was in full swing.
Here are a few photos i took in Reykajvik of the peace light and the aurora borealis ( northern lights )
And a small video also 

( click on the photos and the will get bigger )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iceland court sentenced 4 but 5 innocent for protesting - video

The protesters called the " RVK9 " ( reykjavik 9 ) where sentenced this morning by Reykjavik county court.
Five of the accused , Jón Benedikt Hólm - Kolbeinn aðalsteinsson - Ragnheiður Esther Briem - Snorri Páll Jónsson and Teitur Ársælsson, are not guilty by the judge ruling.

Andri Leó Lemarquis was sentenced to four months on probation .
Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir and Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir where fined 100.000 krónas,and if the dont pay that fine within 4 weeks,the will be in jail for 8 days.

Here is the ruling as it is seen on web page 

The accused Jón Bendedikt Hólm, Kolbeinn Aðalsteinsson, Ragnheiður Esther Briem, Snorri Páll Jónsson and Teitur Ársælsson are found not guilty of all charges.
The accused Andri Leó Lemarquis is sentenced to 4 months imprisonment. The execution of the sentencing is postponed, and will be dropped after two years if the accused keeps probation.
The accused Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir and Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir shall each pay a fine of 100.000 krónur within four weeks of the publication of the sentence, failure to comply will result in an 8 day prison sentence.
The accused Þór Sigurðsson is sentenced to 60 days imprisonment. The execution of the sentencing is postponed, and will be dropped after two years if the accused keeps probation.
The private suit of María Ditas de Jesus against Andri Leó Lemarquis, including her claim for damages from him, is dismissed.
The accused Andri Leó and Þór shall pay their lawyer, Brynjar Níelsson, a salary of 400.000 krónur.
The accused Sólveig Anna and Steinunn shall pay their lawyer, Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, a salary of 400.000 krónur.
The Icelandic state will pay the other lawyers a salary of between 300.000 and 1.000.000 krónur.

Now people wait to see if the accused will appeal this sentecing to the Icelands Supreme Court.

Here are videos from the state TV in Iceland , and there you can see what they are accused of and the arrest.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

RVK 9 sentenced tomorrow in Reykjavik ,february 16 2011 video

Tomorrow on february 16th 2011 , will be the sentencing of the socalled Reykjvik 9.
The Reykjavik 9 , are accused of attacking PArliement on December 8. 2008.
They could be facing jailtime of up to 16 years.
The RVK 9 where protesting and where trying to get a message to Parliement,and nobody got injured ,and many look on the prosecution as a political persecution against protesters.
You can see here an article in the Guardian about the RVK 9 .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter driving in Reykjavik, Iceland - video and photo

Here you can see the winter weather and its changes in Reykjavik,Iceland
Last friday ,the first part of the video - it was lousy visibility , but we are used to that, .
And on saturday , clear skies, but lots of snow, but not so  much snow on the roads.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cheap alcohol in Iceland ,for some , not for the public.

Now the discussion here in Iceland ,is alchol,and its price.
In Iceland alcohol is only sold in Goverment owned shops.
And it is expensive, lots of taxes and and more , so when you pay for it ,it is expensive.
For instance, Absolut Vodka ,700ml ,costs today 4998 kr ( 43,12 $ and 31,38 Euro )
And Capptain Morga Rum 750 ml costs 5390 kr. ( 46,50 $ 33,85 euro )

But some do not have to pay that price.
Those that do not have to pay that price, get rid of all the taxes and duties, are :
The Presidents office.
Goverment ministries.
The Icelandic Bishop .
And the Chief of ATVR, the state alcohol shop.

So you see,it is expensive to be an alcoholic in Iceland, unless you have high office in the goverment .