
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Minister given money ,but the public thrown out into the street - video

Few weeks ago ,Icelands Banks wrote of 2.6 billion kronas that a comapny owed the banks.
At the same that ,that company payed 600 millions in proits to its stockholders.
That company is owned by the family of former Prime minister, mr. Halldór Ásgrímsson.
You can read more about him here
At the same time, Icelands Banks are banckrupting people and throwing people out of their houses ,due to illeagal and bad Banks loans.
The Banks made illeagal loans to the public,and the Icelandic Supreme Court has ruled them illeagal.
Today mr. Arnar Már Þórisson, went to Landsbank headquarters and made speach , arguing that people deserved a meeting with the CEO´s of the bank to discuss and find a good way for people to pay there debts,so they dont have to be thrown out of their houses.
With him where part of the Civil Defence team,that are helping people in trouble.
Mr. Arnar is to be thrown out of his house next week.
You can see on the video that the staff of the bank did not like the man who was videotaping the event.
But why are Former ministers and CEO´s given their loans and they dont have to pay, but the Public will be thrown out on the street.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Women strike at 14:25 in Reykjavik,Iceland - video

Today at 14:25 local time in Iceland,working women walk out of their workplace.
They where celebrating and protesting for equal pay for equal work.
Also they where protesting sexual violence.
They walked out at 14:25 ,because at that time they have worked 65 % of they pay that men have for similar work.
35 years ago the first Womens strike was held .
You can see on the video that more than 50.000 woman attended in Reykjavik.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Politicians take care of politicians in Iceland - corruption very good still.

Politicians in Iceland ,take care of former poiticians.
Mr. Halldór Ásgrímsson,former member of parliement ,and also former Prime minister, before the Banking Crash in Iceland.
He and David Oddson,former Prime minister and Central Bank CEO, where together in Goverment for many years .
They where the maine builders of the financial system in Iceland,that led up to the banking crash in 2008.
Mr. Halldor Asgrimsson,quit goverment job,and whent on to be Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers january 1. 2007.
He owns a part with his family,a fishing company.
Few weeks ago that company got 2.6 billion kronas loans written of,and at the same time it payd over 600 million kronas in profits to its shareholders.
And now he works for the Iceland Goverment as Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers.
This week Iceland goverment wanted him to stay at that job .
The public is angry ,after al that has happened ,that the man who was one of the ringleaders in the Icelandic financial system,that collapsed in 2008, is still in high places at in the Icelandic goverment.
Few weeks ago a lady protested him at Landsbanki in Reykjavik , you can see that here

Photo: mr Halldór Ásgrímsson

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Minister hires party member for a govermnet job in Iceland -

Corruption is doing well here in Iceland.
This week ,the minister for fisheries and acriculture,needed a Information representative for his ministrie.
The minister ,Mr Jon Bjarnarsson,advertised the job.
Many applied,and many media educated people.
Many media educated people put their names for the job, but in Iceland, every big goverment job goes to friends,party members and so on.
The man who got the job,Mr. Bjarni Hardarsson,is a former member of Parliemenet and is now running a book shop.
And he is also a party memer in the same party as the minister.

top --- Minister .mr. Jon Bjarnarsson
bottom   mr. Bjarni Hardarson

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yoko Ono lights the Imagine Peace Light in Iceland tonight -photos

Yoko Ono lighted the Imagine Peace Light tonight at 20:00 hours local time.
Many attended the lighting ceremony.
Ringo Starr and aSean Lennon where there also.
Later in the evening the Plastic Ono Band will hold a concert,and the rumor is that Ringo Starr will perform ther.
They are celebrating the 70th birthday of John Lennon.
It is also Sean Lennons birthday.
Took a few photos of the lighting ceremony.

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Yoko Ono in Reykjavik to light up Imagine Peace Light - photos

Today is John Lennon birthday.
And it is also his sons,Sean Lennon birthday.
Yoko Ono is in town to light up the Imagine Peace Light in Reykjavik.
This is light is in meory of John Lennon,and is on between his date of birth ,and ends at the date of his death.
Tonight after the Yoko Ono has lighted the Peace light,she and her band,the Plastic Ono Band ,will hold a concert in Reykjavik.
You can Tweet peace messages here

Here are a few photos i have taken of the Peace Light ,and the sunset in Reykjavik

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Still protest in Iceland --- two years ago the crash started - video

Two years ago, emergency laws where set in Iceland ,and on TV the Prime Minister said ,in the end of his speach " God Bless Iceland"
That is looked upon as the start of the Banking Crisis here in Iceland.
And today people attended in front of parliement building and made lots of noise.
People arrived at around 17:00 hours ,and made noise into the evening.
Not as many as on monday ( Monday Protest ) but when i left tonight,people where still arriving.
The protest was very peaceful,and peole talked to the police officers .

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Protest in Iceland 4th october 2010 lots of people and lots of noise - video

First day of winter time for parliement.
And the Prime minister is holding a speach about the govermnet plans and policy about the Iceland .
Outside there are many thousand of people protesting,and making a lot of noise.
People are banging drums,oil drums,blowing horns and so on.
They are angry , that the goverment is not helping the public,the man on the street.
But instead,they are helping the Banks ,companys and CEO´s.
They have been writing of big loans to Ceo´s ,former Ministers,and more.
But the public , with their loans on their houses and automobiles,the have to pay more that they should.
You can see on the photos and videos ,how many attended in front of the parliement building.
People are still there, and the protest is peaceful.
But they are making a lot of noise,and members of parliement can hear the public inside the building.

People want the current parties,all four ,out,and vote for new ,honest and intelligent people to control and fix ,what the former poiticians have done.
What happened in 2008 - what is called the Banking crash, is the politicians that where in parliement then,fault.

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Protest planned tonight in front of the Iceland parliement

At 19:30 this evening,there is a planned protest in front of the Parliement building.
Tonight,the Prime minister makes her spach to Parliement about her Goverments policy for the people and Iceland.
Many are going to attend in front of the building ,and make lots of noise,so it can be heard inside the building.

I will go there also ,and take photos and videos.
This  photo and video  below are from the protest last Friday.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Protest in Iceland,and members of parliement have to flee the angry public. video

Yesterday Icelands parliement started its winter season.
It starts with members of parliement walking ot the church ,and then walking back to the parliement building.
But now,there where a few thousand protesting.
Because of broken promises by the goverment.
Their promise was to help the public, but instead ,they help the companys,CEO´s and write of depts of political friends.
But the public has to pay all.
40.000 people in Iceland have or are about to loose there homes.
Many threw their car keys at parliement members yesterday.
When members of parliement came back from the church,the had to flee the angry public,and go into the parliement buiilding back door.

Later a woman went into the Landsbank,and made a speach there about , that the bank was writing of 2.6 billion kronas,to the family company of Icelands former Prime minister,mr. Halldor Asgrimsson.
At the same time ,his company payd its owners 600 million in profit.
The woman was taken by force , and the police was called, and the police closed the bank.
later the woman threw eggs at the bank ,as you can see on my photos,and the public celebrated her actions.

Photo top right: mr. Halldor Ásgrímsson - former Iceland PM

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Members of Icelands Parliement flee the angry public today - video

Today Icelands Parliement came together for the winter season,after a short summer vacation.
And people came to protest,because of the lack of help from the Goverment for the public.
Many are now loosing there houses and cars.
When members of parliement walked from the Parliement building and to the church,people threw bred,dairy products and car keys.
Police was in force to protect the members of parliement .
But whne they left the church to walk again to the parliement building,they had to go through the back door of the Parliement building.
People made a lot of noise ,and threw ,more dairy products and egss and car keys.
While the goverment and banks are writing off loans to CEO´s and companys,at he same time ,many are going bankcrupt,because of illeagal loans.

Today around 40.000 thousand peole have or are about to loose their homes,on auctions by the Banks  and goverment.

Public sleeps in front of Parliement building in Iceland

Many are now sleeping in front of the Icelandic Parliement building in downtown Reykjavik.
And tomorrow ,parliement meets for its winter season.
Protest is planned when parliemtn members walk from the church to the parliement building.
People are angry,many are loosing their houses and going bankcrupt.
All because of bad and illeagal loans.
The goverment primised to help the public,but the goverment helps only the CEO,s and the big companys.
But the public must pay for it all.
You can see on the photos i took tonight ,after midnight here in Iceland.
By sleeping in front of the parliement building , they are showing what happens when people loose their houses.
Click on the photos ,and the will be larger.