
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Iceland Central Bank does not like the Supreme court ruling

Now after the Supreme Court ruling,on the loans that are illeagal, Finacial institutions are trying to find ways so that the banks dont loose much money.

And this morning , the Central Bank , had a press conference,and said,that the interests rates,on the loans, should be the smae as are at the Central Bank.
But the Icelandic law says ,that when loans are illegal , the interests rate should be in for the Loantaker.
Wich means that the interests that where on the loan ( 2-4 %) should be used .
But the govermnet and every political member ,is trying to find ways to save the banks money, but sell the customer short.

Icelands parliement wich is voted by the people,to serve the country and people,is now just all in favour of the companys and banks, but the public can all go bankrupt.
It looks like that the Supreme Court has now power ,and looks like that they do not have to follow its ruling.
Strange justice system here in Iceland.
Many say that the Central Bank is working for the private banks,and not for the people and goverment.

Here is a video ,of when the Central Bank was attacked on december1st 2008

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Icelands Prime Minister gets married today

Icelands parliement made into law,that gay men and women can get married as others can.
And one of the first to get married ,is Icelands Prime Minister, Johanna Sigurdardottir.
She made the request that she and her partner , Jónína Leósdóttir, would make there partnership leagal ,and turned into a marriage.according to the state Radio station .

Corruption in good shape in Iceland - video

After the Supreme court decision on the Foreign currency loans being illeagal, the goverment is now trying to find ways to add interests rates to those loans.
The political parties here in ICeland , are not celebrating that the public is now in a better place financially.
Buisness minister mr. Gylfi Magnusson, says that , interests rates must go up on the loans, so that the banks dont loose any money.
But a citizen meeting last september 2009 , he sayd that the Goverment should follow the Supreme court ruling whatever the ruling might be.
Here you can see a video from the citizen meeting on the 18th of september 2009.
It would be could if you understand the Icelandic language.

Corruption is still going strong in Iceland.
Politicians have accepted big money, to the election funds, and many will not tell who has given them money.
It does not matter what political party you talk about, they are all corrupted,some more than the other.
Maybe in the next parliment election ,there should be a party , that is likt the Best Party , that won the last local elections in Reykjavik.
If all the 63 members of parliement are are corrupt, then maybe a new party should be formed, and with individuals, that have no skeletons in their closet.

On my Facebook , you can see all my videos from the protests in Iceland - Protest Videos

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Goverment by the people- and for the banks in Iceland

Iceland members of parliement want to save the banks , not the public.
Even after the Icelands Supreme Court,ruled that the loans based on foreign currency where illeagal.
Most of the loans had little interests, and the supreme court ruled that using foreign currency , that is , the loan in Icelandic Kronas had little interests but would follow the currency rate on foreign currency when you paid the loan.
But the Supreme court only said that using the foreign currency was illeagal, but not anything else in the loan contract.
Wich means that the loan should be paid back , in Icelandic kronas,and the interests rate that are in the loan contract.
But at the same time loans in Icelandic kronas, had interests and Price guarantee,using inflation index.
So that interests rate was much higher.
But now members of parliement are trying to add interests rate on the loans , that the supreme court said are illeagal.
Financial institutions ,banks and so on in Iceland, are now trying to find ways, to ignore the Supreme court, and add interests rates, so they will get more out of the loantakers.
Does not matter what Political party in Iceland you ask, they are not working for the voters of Iceland , they are working for the Banks , and helping them in any way that they can.
The public in Iceland , is an acceptable loss in the Banking Crisis here in Iceland

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Banks in Iceland against the Supreme court ? - foreign currency loans

The Icelandic Supreme court ruled  few days ,that loans based on foreing currency,are not leagal .
This means that people that had loans in foreign currency , will get it fixed to Icelandic currency.
For example , if a man had a car loan ,wich is now in 2. 5 million kronas, but he has also payd 500 thousand kronas,  the Supreme court ruling, means that the loan is now 500 thousnad ,plus interests,and not 2.5 million.
The Courts ruling , was about car loans, but it will probably also mean , that all loans in foreing currency in Iceland , are not leagal.

The banks might not follow the ruling .
Everything in the loan is ok except the foreing currency .
So the loan might have had 2 percent interests, and they have to , accoridng to the Supreme court, just change the loans to Icelandic Kronas.

But the banks want to try and put higher interests rates,.
The banks in Icelands made a run on the Icelandic Krona, so they would get more interests on the Foreign currency loans.
The public did not attack the krona.

If the Banks and ICelands financial institutions do not follow the Supremes Couts Ruling, then the Icelandic Goverment ,must force them to do so.

But it does not matter ,who is in control of the Icelandic Goverment,  Right politics or Left politics, Money  always rules .

And here is a link to a great guesthouse ,wich is cheap , and in the country side.

Here below is video i took , of a Viking Festival last weekend

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Viking festival in Iceland - video

For a few days there has been a Viking Festival near Reykjavik.
There they show how the Vikings in the old days, lived and worked.
They show also battles between Vikings.
It is great to see men showing how they lived in the old days, and how the fought theire battles.
Here is a video i took of the show today .
Hope you like it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Foreign loans in Iceland not leagal - Supreme court today

The Icelandic Supreme court ruled today ,that loans based on foreing currency,are not leagal .
This means that people that had loans in foreign currency , will get it fixed to Icelandic currency.
For example , if a man had a car loan ,wich is now in 2. 5 million kronas, but he has also payd 500 thousand kronas,  the Supreme court ruling, means that the loan is now 500 thousnad ,plus interests,and not 2.5 million.
The Courts ruling today , was about car loans, but it will probably also mean , that all loans in foreing currency in ICeland , are not leagal.
Now it is to be seen what the Goverment and banks will do , and how the will follow the COurts ruling.
This could also mean trouble for the Finance institutions.
Hundreds of billions kronas are at stake.
THe goverment will decide in a few days time,how it will react.

Now there is a video group on Facebook ,with lots of videos of the protests here in Iceland and in High Quality.
It is from 2008  , here is a link , if you are interested in seeing the video Protest Videos Link.

But here is a video of the sunset here in Reykjavik at midnight

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tomorrow a new mayor in Reykjavik - great fun ?

Tomorrow a new mayor will take over Reykjavik city.
Mr. Jón Gnarr and his party, The Best Party , won the last local election.
He has promised that Reykjavik will be more fun , and Reykjavik Zoo will get a Polar bear.
Mr. Jón Gnarr , is a comedian ,tv actor and movie actor.
So the next four years will probably be lots of fun.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great time to be in Iceland - video and guesthouse

Now there is the season of summer in Iceland , and the is a great season.
And foreign toursits are flocking to Iceland , to enjoy the fun of being in ICeland in summer time.
It is now daylight around the clock,and people enjoy walking in daylight at nightime.
There are many places to visit ,and there are guesthouses and hotels everywhere.
Here below is a video of the sunset ,at midnight in Reykjavik.
Also a video of Asbyrgi , where Odins eight legged horse,Sleipnir,put one of his legs down on earth,and formed Asbyrgi.
Here is a link to a great guesthouse at Reykholt.  Great place to be at,and beutiful scenery all around.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Airshow in Reykjavik Iceland - photos and video

Yesterday ,june 5th 2010,there was an airshow at Reykjavik airport in Iceland.
The weather was great , warm ,sunny and calm.
I took some photos and a little video clip.
Hope you like them .

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mayor to be,Jón Gnarr , modeling clothes in Reykjavik - Iceland

The Best Party that won the local election in Reykjavik last weekend.
They are now negotiating with the social democrats, so they can have majority in the city Council.
The best party got 6 seats of 15 that are in the city council.
The Best Party promised to make Reykajvik the best and most entertaining city in the world.

But tonight  in Reykjavik the leader of the best party took part in a fashion show in front of the parliement building.

Mr. Jon Gnarr , the leader of the best party , is a actor ,and a comedian.
He has been popular in local tv show and movie.

He is here on the video modeling clothes , for support of the Salvacion Army.

He is the red head guy ,, without the hat.