
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Still corruption in ICeland - investigation

According to an investigation by an independent investigator, top jobs in the public sector in Iceland ,are all political.
Ministers appoint friends, relatives,or there friends in their political party.
This has always been in Iceland.
If you want something,then it is better to know someone high up.

And nothing will change, even though things are bad ,due to the Banking crisis.
Years from now,all the same people will be in charge,Bankers, politicians and so on.
Een though members of parliement took part in banking crisis,got big loans, ( in the hundreds of millions ) and do not have to pay the loans.

But the public, they are expendable.
They must pay all , less pay,higher taxes and so on .
Even though the took no part in the Banking Crisis.

But to keep up the good humor in people, here is a video i tool last week ,when the ICelandic Symphony was interuppted ,by Darth Vader himself.
He is in the later half of the video .
Hope you like it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

People in trouble in Iceland , and children got big loans

Looks like that every politician here in Iceland is thinking only about themselves.
The old pensioners are getting less pension, taxes will be raised, the disabled gett less money .
But money to the politicians and poltical parties from the parliement are not going down.
They still get all there wages, and everythinhg that goes with it.

Before the elections last april ,everybody running for parliement ,where promising to help the public and all.
But after the election , the all forgot their promises .
And since then ,people have been moving to other countries.
Family help independent service, i helping familys to get food and other things.

Looks like nobody will be held responsable for the corruption here in Iceland .
They are all going to help eachother ,those that are in power and the banking community .

Children got big loans

Islandsbanki - the new bank ,that was formerly known as - Glitnir, gave 10 children illeagal loans to buy stock in BYR a financial bank , before the banking crash last year.
The childrens parents demanded the loans , but there was no permission for this by the Sheriff, so it was illeagal.
Today Islandsbanki wrote these loans off , and apologized for this.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mcdonald´s leaves the Icelandic economy ! video

Due to the bad economy here in Iceland , McDonalds, is closing down next saturday .
According to the CEO of McDonalds in Iceland, this is because that the Icelandic currency is low, and they have to import everything from Germany.

The Icelandic Krona has fallen 100 % to the Us Dollar since the banking crisis last year.
So the McDonalds franchise is no more in ICeland , and instead there will still be burgers at the McDonalds location, but new name - and no Mcdonalds franchise.

The new burger place will be called - Metro .
It will only use domestic beef ,cheese and so on.

Part of the Western civil civilization , as we know it , will leave Iceland next Saturday .
But as you can see on the Video - Colonel Sanders is not far away from the McDonalds location.
KFC , will still be in Iceland , so there maybe some hope yet !

McDonalds opened in Iceland in 1993.
And Mr. David Oddson , who was CEO of the Central bank during the Banking Crisis last year, and in 1993 he was Icelands Prime minister , was the first guest and ordered the first McDonalds hamburger in ICeland .
Will he get the last burger on saturday ?
Stay tuned !

Monday, October 26, 2009

No more Mcdonalds in Iceland

Due to the bad economy here in Iceland , McDonalds, is closing down.
According to the CEO of McDonalds in Iceland, this is because that the Icelandic currency is low, and they have to import everything from Germany.
McDonalds opened in Iceland in 1993.
And Mr. David Oddson , who was CEO of the Central bank during the Banking Crisis last year, and in 1993 he was Icelands Prime minister , was the first guest and ordered the first McDonalds hamburger in ICeland.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Darth Vader pushes Symphony controller and takes control ! 2 video

I went tonight to see the Icelandic Symphony,play at a full house .
Mr. Micheal Krajewsky was conducting,and the theme was , John Williams movie music.
Mr Krajewsky ,is known for conducting Movie music and has worked with many Symphony orchestras , in San Francisco ,Dallas,Detroit, Baltimore,Stþ Louis to name a few.
I called the Symphony ,and they gave me permission to videotape and put it on the Internet, and everywhere else .
And on this clip ,there is a little bit of a Shocker !
There comes a unknown individual ,dressed in black and with a helmet ,and he walks on the stage ,and pushes mr.Krajewsky off the stage ,and takes over conducting the Symphony .

And when the music is over , he gets great applouse from the Icelandic people that where there enjoying great music by John Williams.
He ( Darth Vader ) comes in the middle of the video .
Enjoy .

Darth Vader pushes Symphony controller and takes control !

I went tonight to see the Icelandic Symphony,play at a full house .
Mr. Micheal Krajewsky was conducting,and the theme was , John Williams movie music.
Mr Krajewsky ,is known for conducting Movie music and has worked with many Symphony orchestras , in San Francisco ,Dallas,Detroit, Baltimore,Stþ Louis to name a few.
I called the Symphony ,and they gave me permission to videotape and put it on the Internet, and everywhere else .
And on this clip ,there is a little bit of a Shocker !
There comes a unknown individual ,dressed in black and with a helmet ,and he walks on the stage ,and pushes mr.Krajewsky off the stage ,and takes over conducting the Symphony .

And when the music is over , he gets great applouse from the Icelandic people that where there enjoying great music by John Williams.
He ( Darth Vader ) comes in the middle of the video .
Enjoy .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Permanent Secretary investigated in Iceland

Iceland's government says it has reached a deal with Britain and the Netherlands to repay the $5.7 billion ,to compensate savers who lost funds in the collapse of the Icesave Account.
This deal is not very popular in Iceland. People say, why should the public pay for private banks crash .
Former health minister Mr. Ogmundur Jonasson ,resigned last month in protest.

Now the special prosecuter is investigating the Permanent Secretary of Education ,mr. Baldur Gunnlaugsson.
When his was Permanent Secretary to the minister of finance, after he and the finance minister ,had met the Finance minister of Britain ,mr. Darling, Baldur sold his stocks in Landsbanki, few days before the Bank crashed.
Special Prosecutor is investigating like it is insider trading.
Not all media in Iceland is following this story .
The paper that the former central bank ceo ,and former Prime minster,now is editor, Morgunbladid, does not follow this story about the Permanent Secretary .
Mr. David Oddson ,the editor and Baldur , are both in the Independence party .
top: Baldur Gunnlaugsson
Bottom: David Oddson

Iceland news - people leaving Iceland

Many Icelanders are now leaving the country.
Around 2.694 ctizens have left Iceland ,in the first nine months of 2009.
Now there are 14.819 unemployed in Iceland .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Market abuse by Icelands Banks - video

Financial control group has sent issues concerning comprehensive market abuse by Kaupthing bank to the Special Prosecutor office.
They belive that the bank systematically tried to influence their share price and create a constant demand for shares and thus sent the wrong and misleading message to the market shares in real terms.

This was done in a manner that the bank, which at a given time could only have a maximum 5% in himself, bought shares and then sold them on to selected customers against loans. In this way the bank could be active in the market with its own shares.

The majority of those who participated in a poll made by one the Icelandic Newspapers , wants the government resign the agreement with the IMF.

Here you can a video ,on how people felt last year about the IMF

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Police raid KPMG and Price Waterhouse Cooper in Iceland

Many think that auditors have some responsabilty in the Banking crash in Iceland .
KPMG and Price Waterhouse Cooper Audit companys in Iceland ,where raided by the Special prosecutor in Iceland on the 1. of october 2009.
It is done as a part of investigation into potential criminal activity at three collapsed national banks.

Computer data and documents where taken ,from KPMG and Price Waterhouse Coopers,which had the banks as clients.
22 Police officers and 6 foreign accountants raided the Audit companys.

The raid was suggested last spring by Jean Michael Matt, a french special court audit investigator.
It looks like that the raids are quite embarrasing for KPMG and Price Waterhouse Coopers.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

News from Iceland - Prime minister one of fiftie most powerful people.

Icelands Parliements Investigative Committee ,which is investigating the Banking Cras last year, had a time limit on bringing to Parliement and the Icelandic public , the report on the crash.
But today the committie announced , that they could not deliver the report ,unitil next february 2010.

The Newstatesman , made a list of 50 people that matter in the world today.
And Johanna Sigurdardottir, Icelands Prime minister is on that list.
She is called the Ice Queen , and is in number 48 , one seat behind Jay-Z and Beyoncé .

It makes you proud to be in Icelander

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kaupthing chief suspect in bank crash in Iceland

Sigurdur Einarsson, the former CEO of failed bank Kaupthing, is now aofficial suspect by the fraud prosecutors examining alleged market manipulation.
Sigurdur live now in Chelsea, is the first Head of a major Europian Bank ,to be Investigated as a criminal suspect after the Banking Crash last year.

Sigurdur denies that he has manipulated markets, according to a private letter leaked to the Icelandic press.

Sigurdur purchased a house in London, just before the crash last year , and the price of the house ,according to The Sun , 10,5 million punds

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yoko Ono lights the Imagine Peace light in Iceland - video

Last night the Imagine Peace light was lighted.
It is on between the Birthday of John Lennon and to the date ,of his death.
Yoko Ono is in Iceland ,and was going to light it yesterday ,but weather was not good ( pretty bad weather ) ,so she will officially light it tonight.
The light was on last night,and as you can see on the video i took , the weather was not good.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Teenagers remember Icelands Protester tonight - video

Tonight,at 20:oo hours ( local ) teenagers in Reykjavik ,went on a memorial walk ,in Reykjavik.
They where remembering mr. Helgi Hoseasson.
He died a few weeks ago , 89 years old.
He had been on that street for decades ,protesting alone.

He waws most famous for , when parliment was walking from the church and to the Parliement building in 1972 -
he threw dairy product on members of Parliement.

He had been protesting the Icelandic Church , and also the goverment .
Mr . Helgi, was called the - Protester of Iceland -

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Icelands Prime Minister apologizes to the Icelandic people

Johanna Sigurdardottir ,Icelands Prime Minister said in Parliament today, that it was the duty of the Prime Minister, to apologize to the Icelandic people , on behalf of state and public administration at the neglect and complacency which led to the banking crash last year.
" The banks failed,the administration failed,the media failed and the free market system failed " She said at the Parliement.

She also said : The main emphasis of the government are two: First, to get Iceland out of the crisis as soon as possible on the basis of the Nordic welfare values, and secondly to prevent the collapse of this kind again.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Iceland wins the IG-Nobel prize

Improbable research is research that makes people laugh and then think and it administer the Ig Nobel Prizes.
And this year ,2009 ,Iceland is the proud winner of the IG-Nobel ECONOMICS PRIZE .
The directors, executives, and auditors of four Icelandic banks — Kaupthing Bank, Landsbanki, Glitnir Bank, and Central Bank of Iceland — for demonstrating that tiny banks can be rapidly transformed into huge banks, and vice versa — and for demonstrating that similar things can be done to an entire national economy.

No Icelandic banker attended the ceremony.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Peace meeting in Reykjavik - Iceland

Yesterday at 20:00 hours ( local time in Iceland) and lighted candels.
It was the day of no violence.
The people with the candles formed the Peace sign.
And some music was played and people enjoyed being together and formaing the peace sign.