
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Protest in Iceland - november 29 2008 - video

Today there was the weekly protest
in Reykjavik.

The weather was good ,clear skies
,but extremenly cold -minus 4 on the celcius and windy.

In the end of the protest ,some proeters fired up some firworks behind the parliement building.
The police was very friendly

aree still angry ,and the speakers demanded ,that the
govermnet stopgiving relatives and friends top jobs in the

They said that the corruption is in
the extreme here in Iceland.

Open goverment ,is what the people
want ,they said.

Protest november 29 - 2008 -reykjavik iceland

Today there was the weekly protest in Reykjavik.
The weather was good ,clear skies ,but extremenly cold -minus 4 on the celcius and windy.
So,it was a very peacful protest .
People aree still angry ,and the speakers demanded ,that the govermnet stop giving relatives and friends top jobs in the govermnet.
They said that the corruption is in the extreme here in Iceland.
Open goverment ,is wat the people want ,they said.
Took a few photos and if you click on them - the will enlarge.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Interview to a lady about the crisis in Iceland

Hi all.
Sorry about the clips yesterday - saw that the interview clip did not open .
Here it is , a interview with a lady in Reykjavik ,the lady that tried to stop protesters in Reykjavik.
It is in English .

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Girl tries to stop protest in Iceland

Next saturday - another protest is planned - at 15:00 hours - GMT.
Probably there will be many people there .
And on monday ,december 1. another protest .
last saturday a girl tried to stop protesters from throwing things at the parliement bulding .
She was angry.
I videtaped it and then i took a little interview with her,in English

I have videos at

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Icelandic prime minister bood at at he citizen meeting

Tonight there was a citizen meeting in a big movie theater in
Reykjavik.Ministers and members of parliement where invited ,and chairs
with the names of the ministers where in the front row.Lots of booing where made at the ministers.People asked frank questions ,and they tried to answer.The ministers where told by the public,that the people wanted
them out - and wanted election as soon as possible .The ministers understood the opinion of the people ,but said
,that there would not be election soon.

People told the prime minister - " you should fire the central bank director Mr. David Oddsson and then quit yourself ".

Mr. David Oddsson the director of the central bank did not
come to the meeting.But the Prime minister and others came.When the ministers came into the theater, people bood at
It was mentioned that when mr. David Oddsson quit being a
prime minister he got the position of head of the icelandic central
bank -- You can hear on the video as the Icelandic prime ministers
enters mr. Geir Haarde - that people bood a lot.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ministers at a citizen meeting in Iceland tonight

Tonight there was a citizen meeting in a big movei theater in Reykjavik.
Ministers and members of parliement where invited ,and chairs with the names of the ministers where in the front row.
Lots of booing where made at the ministers.
People asked frank questions ,and they tried to answer.
The ministers where told by the public,that the people wanted them out - and wanted election as soon as possible .
The ministers understood the opinion of the people ,but said ,that there would not be election soon.
Mr. David Oddsson ,the director of the central bank did not come to the meeting.
But the Prime minister and others came.
When the ministers came into the theater, people bood at them.
I will add a video clip later.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Few photos and video from the protest in Reykjavik yesterday.
Here you can see a girl - trying to stop the kids throwing rocks and eggs at the ICelandic Parliement Building.
She is telling them to respect the house - but not those that work there ( elected members of parliement )
Tomorrow night ( 20:00 hours GMT ) there will be a citizen mmeting in one of the local movie theater.
The Icelandic goverment ,all the ministers and the president of the Iceladic central Bank , a mr: David Oddson ,have been invited.
They will have chairs for them on the stage - and every chair will have the ministers name on it .
So we can see who will come - and who do not dare to come .
I will post video and photos tomorrow night - after the meeting -

Comennts welcomed

Police HQ attacked in Reykjavik - iceland -video

Here is a video clip of the protesters after the attack on the Police HQ in Reykjavik.
and suddenly - the prisoner the where demanding - is realeased.
And he makes a speach - with the riot Police in the background - where he says - that he would like the protest energy to be used - get the goverment down - and use the protest power for a revolution.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Police station attacked in Reykjavik - iceland

After the peaceful protest today in Reykjavik - against the govermnet and banks - people where told to go to the head police station in Reykjavik and demand the release of one prisoner.
The guy who hanged the Bonus flag on the Parliemnet building the protest a few saturdays ago.
He was arrested when he was on a university science trip .
He got known and the police arrested him.,
He had a fine or prison sentence on him since he as protesting the Karahnjukur damn project.
People attacke the police station tonight and broke windows and the front door.
Then they where peppersprayed and the police got the out - and stood outside in full riot gear .
People threw eggs at the police.
And a couple of hours later - the prisoner was let go .
A unknown man payed his fine - and told the guy in prison ,that if he would not accept that he payed the fine - then people would get hurt.
The guy accepted - and told people outside - that next - it would be revolution.

November 22. protest november seven in Reykjavik - Iceland

Today ,on the 22nd of November 2008 ,the will be the seventh protest in Reykjavik against the financial meltdown.
It will start at 15:00 hours ,gmt.
Last weekend - about ten thousand people attended.
It will be interesting to see how many will come today .
I will be there with my little camera and video.

Here are some photos from protests few weeks ago

Publish Post

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New banks in Iceland

Now that there are three banks - owned by the goverment.
And the men that controll them - the same that controlled the banks that collapsed last month.
Protests will be again next saturday -
Probably a lot more will attend .

Monday, November 17, 2008

Citizen meeting in Reykjavik tonight

Tonight in Reykjavik,there a a public citizen meeting .
And the discussion was ,the Icelandic press .
Editors of the Icelandic press answered questions from the public.
We have here in Iceland around four big news broadcast systems.
And it has been confirmed that three of the editors where in a secret meeting last week with the prime minister and assistants to the ministers --
What happenend at that meeting ,nobody knows.
Freedom of the press ?
They did not answer every question ,but tried to blame he public .

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Protest in Iceland - video

Here are two videos i took today - when protests where in Reykajvik - Iceland.
Young teenagers tried to make it worse - by throwing eggs at the Parliement building.
and some made small fires at the building.

Protest in Reykjavik - november 15th - 2008

Another protest was held today in downtown Reykjavik. Mostly peaceful ,and the same demands as before - Election as soon as possible and new governors at the Icelandic Central Bank. It is cold here - around the minus,on the celcius. But there where around ten thousand people downtown.
But toilet paper was thrown at the parliement building and also eggs and tomatos People gave the few policemen that where downtown ,flowers and where very kind to them.
This financial crisis is also hurting them. Here are a few photos - and i will add video later. Click on the photos ,and they will be bigger.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Imagine Peace Light in Iceland photo

This last weekend i went out and took a few photos of the Imagine Peace Light in Reykjavik.
It is only on at dark ,between the birthday and the day of his death - John Lennon.
I used about 30 seconds exposure and you can see the noprthern lights to the left .

Click on the photos and you will see them in its original form

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Monday, November 10, 2008

More next saturday ?

IMF ( international Moneytery fund ) is not going to take Iceland loan request this week . Nobody knows what will happen. Radio stations think that next saturday ,there will lots more people protesting in Reykjavik. At the protest last saturday,there where people with children,old people and young. Here are a few photos from the protest last saturday. Comments welcomed.
click on the photos and they will get bigger

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Police and protesters in Reykjavik - november 8 2008

Today , a few thousand people protested downtown in Reykjavik ,Iceland.People nearly surrounded the Parliement bulding.Mototcycles where the in force - and when they where asked to leave the are,the showed the power of the motorbikes ,and filled the area with smoke.Aggresive protesters ,put a flag on the building ,marked - BONUS - that is the flag of cheap food stores in ICeland owned by Jon Asgeir Johannesson ,the owner of the other media in Iceland, Channel 2 ( )People are getting very angry at the goverment and the Icelandic central bank .Eggs and tomatos where where used to hit the paeliement building.According to local news ,no arrests where made.In the end of the video ,people can be heard shouting- Where is Geir - who is the Icelandic Prime Minister.Protests will be on still next saturday

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday in Reykjavik - november 2008

Great fall weather today .
Now there is a public meeting downtown in one of the old theaters.
Politicians from every party are there answering questions from the public.
And at 15:00 then there is another protest against the central bank and the goverment .

Great fall weather today . Now there is a public meeting downtown in one of the old theaters. Politicians from every party are there answering questions from the public. And at 15:00 then there is another protest against the central bank and the goverment .