
Good news from Iceland - at last !

Location - Reykjavik - Iceland
Event - national game
Weather - minus 1 on the celcius ( 30 f )
And just now - Iceland womens soccer team , beat Irelands womens soccer team here in Reykjavik - 3-0
And this means that our national team will be taking part next year in the Europian finals.
Last summer our Mens national team in Handball - won the silver at the Olympics in China as you can see here

So it is not always bad news from Iceland -- but we still have a financial crisis - but great to get that of our minds for a few hours.
The photo is of Yoko Onos Imagine Peace Light .

Click on the photos - and they will get bigger

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Companys are firing people in every part of the country .
The central bank raised interests 18 percent.
They say that many small firms may go bankcrupt.
Not a good future for Iceland.
Another protest planned next saturday in central Reykjavik - 15:00 hours.
Because of all the negative news here - i went and took a few photos - and some of the Imagine Peace Light
Hope you like them

Unemploiment is on the rise - companys are letting people go in every part of Iceladn.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bad icelandic news companys

Iceland news companys ,did not cover the protest yesterday well . And some did not cover them at all . The news was number 7 in one of the TV news. There are only two news companys in Iceland now. One of the big newspaper ,is now controlled by the one private news company . It produces a few magazines and has a radio and tv. And the other one is goverment owned . The private one is thought to be controlled by one of the political partys that now run the goverment - and the state owned is controlled by the Mininster og the Independance Party. Here are a few more photos from the protest yesterday .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Protest and flag burned in Iceland

Today there was a protest march in Reykjavik - Iceland.
They where protesting the central bank and the goverment in Iceland.
a few made speaches - and one of them - was the former Foreign Secretary and ambassador to USA ,mr: Jon Baldvin Hannibalsson.
When the protest was ending - some burned a flag - the flag of one of the banks - Landsbanki.
You can see in the end of the video - the burning of the flag

Click on the photos - and you will see them in full size

Today there was a protest march in Reykjavik - Iceland.
They where protesting the central bank and the goverment in Iceland.
a few made speaches - and one of them - was the former Foreign Secretary and ambassador to USA ,mr: Jon Baldvin Hannibalsson.
When the protest was ending - some burned a flag - the flag of one of the banks - Landsbanki.
You can see in the end of the video - the burning of the flag

Friday, October 24, 2008

Peace light in Iceland

Went to see the Peace light tonight.
I was put there last year by Yoko Ono - in memory of John Lennon.
It is lighted between the day of his birth to the day that he died.

It is the Imagine Peace Light.
Since everybody is talking about the financial crisis - then it is good to take you mind somewhere else .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iceland terrorists ?

A web page has bean open in Iceland - to protest the actions of the British Prime Minister. Icelanders are signing up - and sending poscards to the British Prime minister. and some of them are the ones I put here Here is a part of the protest text and the web page is here - in engilsh.

On Wednesday October 8th, the British Government invoked Anti-terrorist
legislation, which was in effect aimed at the people of Iceland. This devastating attack on our society was received with disbelief here in Iceland. The people of Iceland have always considered themselves great friends of the United Kingdom. Our nations have a long history of mutually beneficial trade and have been close allies in NATO and Europe.

Hour by hour and day by day the actions of the British government are
indiscriminately obliterating Icelandic interests all over the world and, in so doing, diminishing the assets that could be used to reimburse depositors with Icelandic banks in the United Kingdom and Iceland.

The government's actions are also endangering the future of nearly all Icelandic companies and of the entire nation, in addition to over 100,000 employees of British companies with Icelandic connections. In this regard we would like to stress that the Icelandic authorities have always maintained their intention to honour their obligations in this matter, contrary to claims made by Chancellor Alistair Darling and Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Stress relief in Iceland

Due to the financial crisis here in Iceland, and the local currency going way down, a drum festival was held today in Reykjavik.
People who like drums ,had a minor festival today at 17:00 gmt.

And people who came where told to drum with the group.
This was being down - because ,many are having a bad day - loans going up - and trouble in the financial sector.

And England has used UK terror laws against Icelandic banks in England - ,because the president of the Iceland central bank,said in a tv interview ,that the Icelandic banks would not pay their debts in England.

And tomorrow there will be a protest in front of the Parliement - to try to make the goverment change the Bank managers that control the ICelandic Central Bank.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

What to do in an economy crisis ?

Since there is a big economy crisis - then there is not a lot you can do.
No money - nothing to do .
But you can always get all your remotes and use them - cd - tv - dvd and so on.
Or go outside and enjoy the weather and scenery .
if you click on the photos - they will get larger.

Comments are welcomed.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still crisis in Iceland

Still crisis in the economy.
The local currency ( krona ) is weak.
The goverment is doing everything that they can.
But you can still go out and enjoy the scenery and weather

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Snowed last night and economy on the downside

Last night it snowed in Reykjavik.
Winter has arrived.
And the goverment is not doing anything - the economy is in a free fall here in Iceland !!!
But - on the good side - i took a video of the snow last night -- Enjoy