
Friday, April 25, 2008

Hi all.
And new news from Reykjavik.
There was another protest today .
And this time ,kids did the protest.
The stopped on of the main roads in Reykjavik.
Police force was sent to clear things up.
And because truck drivers have bean protesting and having fights with the police,the kids thought they should have a protest of there own.
But the police was quite friendly ,gave them the ususal arrest threats, and let them have there 30 minutes of fame ( all the tv stations where there ) and then moved them of the road.
A very friendly protest.
i took a few photos and video .
And we are a peaceful and friend loving people

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bad day today

Hi all.
Not a good day today.
People and truckers where protesting the goverment - on gas price and more unjust laws against truck and automobiles.
But the police came in force and beat the protesters and used gas on them.
10 where arrested and a few had to go to the hospital.
I was there and took a few photos and a video clip.
Here you can see the video --- it is brutal and violence by the Icelandic police.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Flying boat in Reykjavik

Hi all.
Great evening tonight.
And a flying boat landed in Reykjavik.
A Bombardier Canadair 415.
Took a few photos tonight and i hope you like them.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday in Reykjavik

Hi all .
Great weather today - and lots of people downtown in Reykjavik.
People with children ,feeding the ducks in the pond in central Reykjavik.
Boats where sailing in the bay .
And lots of flying jets and helicopters.
Here are a few photos i took today.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Great weather today --- more of a europian weather.
Calm,still,and temperature in the plus range.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great music

Here is a clip with the great pianist ,Victor Borge.
And here you can see what an Opera is.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cold today

Hi all.
It was a liitle cold today - so no summer or spring coming.
It snowed last night ,again.
But i took a few photos today in Reykjavik.
Hope you like them.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today in Reykjavik

Hi all.
Great weather today.
Lots of people working and just having a great time.
Few photos i took today in Reykjavik.

Great weekend

Hi all.
Great weekend coming up.
Party´s and everything that goes with them.
Hope that you are all feeling well.
And i think spring is coming.
Here are a few photos of mine

Friday, April 11, 2008

Photos from last year

Here are a few photos from last year here in Iceland.
Still waiting for summer.
And i put a video of the Swiss Drumline show.
They are great ,and show what practice and more practice can do.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Strange island

Hi all. Woke up this morning ,early.
Looking forward to outside,enjoy the good springweather. But no !!!
The weather had a little joke once more.
It snowed last night ! Not lying ! It snowed !
But i try to keep up my good spirits.

Here are two photos i took this morning.